Welcome to WatchWise.net
Bringing Business Intelligence to Information Technology

WatchWise specialises in assisting companies in bringing Business Intelligence to Information Technology. In this new economy, companies of all sizes have the ability to access business intelligence software and systems to gain vital insights from their data to help them proactively enhance productivity, cost-efficiency and optimize their revenue generation - all while improving customer satisfaction and the bottom-line.
Back in 1998 the Palo Alto Management Group estimated that the average data warehousing, decision support and business intelligence solution cost as much as $1.8 million and took than 2 years to implement.
Fast-forward to today and you find that companies in all sorts of industries are finding ways to implement manageable, usable business intelligence solutions that help them live up to their potential. It's cheaper, easier and much more accessible - but at the same time, more important than ever in the past.
The information on the WatchWise site is free to access and can help organizations of all types on the path to find user-friendly and inexpensive solutions to their data query, reporting, and advanced analytical needs.
Intelligence Explained
Business Intelligence describes the methodology a business uses to transform raw data to into useful information to make decisions. The processes of Business Intelligence are always computer-based. They can be almost completely automated or simply computer-aided with the involvement of developers, analysts, managers and others.
Information Management Systems
Much like in non-digital formats, information management is a critical aspect of keeping any business running smoothly. Keeping your data under control is made more complex because of the sheer speed at which digital information can be created. To that end, a good information management system can be a lifesaver to most businesses.
Data Analytics
Data analytics is at it's simplest a process of examining data to the end of finding new information and drawing conclusions about that information. Data analytics is utilized in a variety of industries for making business decisions and to confirm or refute proposed courses of action. Business intelligence can be used as the basis of a decision support system.
Data Analysis for Business
Data analysis is a process of inspecting the contents of data, cleaning erroneous data out of a data set, transforming that data into a useful format, and putting that data into models that allow you to make decisions. This leaves the information in your database ready to be looked over so decisions can be made or supported.